Fe heroes gamepedia
Fe heroes gamepedia

The main exceptions to these are the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, and Three Houses. Generic units usually consist of males unless it is a female-dominated class like Pegasus Knight or Troubadour.

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These speaking portraits are often based on the Soldier class regardless of the actual class of the speaker.Ī few notable generic units have appeared in the series, however. They also usually lack more complicated features like Affinities and Biorhythm. Generic units typically have relatively low stats compared to named characters and other attributes. Tiki is the daughter of Naga, and the adoptive daughter of Bantu. This is likely due to the physical age difference between them. Tiki is the first character to have multiple Special variants of the same kind, in this case having two summer variants. In these games, generic units will often use specific portraits in the rare times they speak. Generic Units Fire Emblem Wiki Fandom in: Game Mechanics Generic Units Sign in to edit Generic Units is a fan term for units without a portrait or real name. Tiki is 3000 years old in Fire Emblem Awakening.

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In many Fire Emblem games, generic unit portraits are impersonal and focus on showcasing how their class fights. Generic units tend to be named after the faction they belong to, though in some games such as The Sacred Stones they are given more general names such as "Soldier" or "Monster".

fe heroes gamepedia

They also usually lack more complicated features like Affinities and Biorhythm. In the earlier titles and their remakes, generic units were also distinguished by their lack of Luck and lower weapon levels. Generic Units is a fan term for units without a portrait or real name. Generic units typically have relatively low stats compared to named characters and other attributes.

Fe heroes gamepedia