If a symmetrical figure gets divided by an axis in the figure into two parts which fall exactly on each other, its symmetry is called reflectional symmetry. Some figures have more than one axis of symmetry. This line is the axis of symmetry of the figure. Mark dots the line which makes two equal parts of the figure. Fold the paper so that their two parts fall exactly on each other. Write the English capital letters A, H, M in a large size on separate sheets of paper.
When dealing with mirror reflection, we have to take into account the left ↔ right changes in orientation. The line symmetry is closely related to mirror reflection. That is, a figure which does not change upon undergoing a reflection has reflectional symmetry. Reflection symmetry is symmetry with respect to reflection.
Line symmetry and mirror reflection are naturally related and linked to each other. The concept of line symmetry is closely related to mirror reflection.
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